Breakthrough of 3 games: Hangman, Guessing Number, and the Voyage

Short Introduction

         The breakthrough of Hangman:

Hangman’s breakthrough is a game with a Hangman basis that has the direction to guess the word already prepared. The player must simply type letter by letter during the game until the player can guess it, or the player’s life is over.

         The guessing number:

The guessing number is a game in which you must guess the number before your life ends. By inserting the maximum number and the minimum number that you would like to guess, in other words, you create your own range, and the game will save the number that you need to guess until you guess it or the minimum amount of your life is over, so the game is over.

         The Vovage:

The Voyage is a game that is based on the text-adventure game, which has the purpose of completing the mission and winning the award. Basically, the player will be the one who needs to solve the riddle and all of the obstacles until the player loses the game or wins it. The player needs to figure out “the exam” that is coming soon, and the player will have an adventure in the space that is provided in the game.


  • 프로젝트 진행 동기

The motivation of these three games is to create a fun game but in a way that people can enjoy it and also “think” in terms of educating people throughout the games because these games are based on a game that can make you have fun but also make you think more to solve some problems and to create an educational background within the game.

  • 프로젝트의 진행 과정

The progression of these three games is to code skeletal code in clojure because the main goal here is to learn the new programming language, clojure. After the skeletal code is ready, the code that is supplemented to complete the game is provided.

  • 프로젝트의 결과

The result are the three games that are created such as the breakthrough of hangman, the guessing number, and the vovage.

  • 프로젝트 진행 소감

These three games can be developed further by adding some graphics in order to make a complete game.



본 글은 2022년도 2학기에 21 Hazeta Rahmani Wafda 연구회원이 진행한 프로젝트입니다.

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